Sunday, May 3, 2015

Campus Images

Those pictures on this video were taken around the campus.
As the day when I took pictures was rainy day, the weather looked a little bit blue.
I feel sad because it is my last semester to look around the campus like this.
I will remember those places after graduation.


  1. I totally feel the same about the day when we took the pictures. It would have been a lot better if the weather was sunny. I agree that the places will be remembered even after graduation. I also think that places will be remained as symbols of this school in our memories.

  2. I strongly felt the same feeling when I was in high school. Since my high school was on the middle of a mountain, I had to run when our class teacher's car pass by. It was a nightmare...Don't want to do it ever again.

  3. I liked how you were concise and direct when you were expressing your opinions. For instance, you feel exhausted or angry. I thought that was easy to understand. Good job!

  4. There is also like me photos, I felt more comfortable feelings. and there is fresh green grass on Nochun it gives me fell better :D
